Sunday, March 13, 2011

When I say NO to You...I'm sayin YES to Me!

Whenever you allow or even come close to allowing someone else to take you outside of your true self; that person might need to either be cut completely out of your life or he/she needs to be reminded of the boundaries riot act. If you don't have a list of boundaries you live by...I encourage you to create one ASAP!

I just received a text from a male associate, that nearly set me off. It reads:

So, what you too busy to call a MF back to say hi, F-off or somethin?" I was mortified. Ya'll, this clown almost received a return text full of expletives; but then I reminded myself of who I am" A queen and a lady. I additionally, realized the Universe places people and situations along our path to test our character and our greatness. I nearly fell for the okie-doke, until I pulled myself away from the ledge.

Let me bring you up to speed with what's been happening with me. The end of 2010, I made some very specific, clear and purposeful intentions for my life. I promised myself I would let No one, mainly myself, sabotage my mental, spiritual, financial and physical Success. When I say NO to You...I'm saying YES to me.

I decided to run my first marathon in 2011; which i'm currently training for. I told this man; who isn't boyfriend or even a friend, along with a few other friends and clients, that from March 1st until the marathon, March 20th- I would be taking myself off of the radar and focusing on my spiritual and physical training; so that I can cross the finish line alive. I've only known this man for less than 6-weeks and how dare he question how busy I am.

As women, we are constantly defending our right to be independent, self-sufficient and self-preserving, need I say self-ISH. greatness makes no apologies; therefore, I don't make apologies for wanting to be, have and do the absolute BEST I can. I am an entrepreneur, a sister, friend, daughter, artist (actor/writer) and on the fastest track to success. So, when I say I'm busy - I'm BUSY. I train (run and strength train and run the Santa Monica Stairs and/or yoga for 2-4 1/2 hours every day. Not to mention running a business, shooting my reality show and working on my art, writing my blogs and making an attempt at a social life? Did I mention, I schedule naps in? I'm busy doing exactly what it is I want to do and with whom I want to do it with.

If they're NOT for US...they are Against us!

I leave you with this: When you make the decision to live your greatest life by getting your S.piritual H.ouse I. in order T.oday; know that you will be met with opposition, resistance and hateration(yes, I created that word). When you expect Support...the Universe responds in kind. Don't allow anyone, including yourself, to stop you from taking care of your health and fitness, your mind and your spirit. Don't allow anyone or anything to slow your momentum or derail your determinations.

Stay Focused and Specific Ladies!!!

Lastly...Save the date and Scentsational Soaps and Unique FEESIQUES; as we walk and raise awareness at this year's Revlon Breast cancer walk May 7th, 2011. You can register to walk with Scentsational Soaps team via her facebook page (Toushounta Hogan). Don't talk about it...BE about it!
Fee King
Your Fitness go-to-girl!

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