Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March Madness! Are WE gettin what we want out of our lives?

Happy Monday Family. I cannot believe it's March. Where has this year gone? I don't know about you, but I have accomplished more in the 3 months of the New Year than I did in 12 months of 2010. Stay on Fire my sistahs. FYI! When I say sistahs, I mean all my ladies, okay. Needed to get that out of the way. I want my SISTAHS to Re-ignite your New Year Determinations. Re-Focus and Re-Commit to gettin your S.piritual H.ouse. I.in order T.ODAY! AND...get specific and clear about who you are. Why you're here? AND...what you want and need to do in order to be successful at your life. Meditate, fast, chant or pray on it daily.

Last Friday, I had the great pleasure of being interviewed as L.A.;'s fitness guru on Detroit's 93.7 The Beat radio station. The topic was self-esteem and how it affects African-American women and their health.IT was both an honor and an eye-opening experience; as I was able to connect via phone calls and via facebook posts to women who were willing to show their vulnerable side and admit that their self-esteem plummeted when their weight went up. This thing is real ya'll. Think about how good it makes you feel when you treat yourself to that new outfit, shoes or when you're packing your bag for that much anticipated and hard worked for vacation you saved up for and now you're finally going on it. It's a morale booster, right? We all have them and we all need them more often than not. Some of us will actually work out and diet down to lose that last 10, 15 or 20 pounds; just so we can look good on said vacation only to gain half of it back before we get back home.

Here are some of the tips and suggestions I recommended to the callers:
. Write out exactly what you wish to accomplish with your body and be specific
. Set a time-frame. Example: I want to lose 15 pounds of fat by: __________. I want to tone up and firm up my inner thighs, buttocks and triceps by: ____________. I want to fit into a size:_____________ I want to get off my cholesterol medication by: ____________

. Consult a professional who can help you stay safe and accountable to your goal

. Lastly, stop telling yourself what you cannot afford; when you're affording to get your hair and nails done once every two weeks and affording new shoes and eye lashes.

. Prioritize. When you put out into the Universe that you're worth it, the Universe responds in kind by making a way out of no way. As a personal trainer and wellness coach, I speak for not only myself; however other fitness professionals that I work with when I say the illusion of a recession has allowed us to be even more creative and flexible with our prices and programs. SO...get out of your own way, give your self-esteem a boost by taking care of the only mind, body and soul you have. Do it Today.

I'll leave you with this: this morning I met my first client at her home at 7:20 a.m. I text her to meet me outside; as our workout would be on the outside today. She was nervous, but she trusted me and went along with my program. She shared with me that she was intimidated by working outside in her neighborhood for fear of people staring. Not only were her neighbors and passerbyers staring; but they were showing her love and support by winking, smiling and giving her the thumbs up.We used things throughout her neighborhood, such as: a the firehouse brick wall for wall squats. We used a gate to support her balance for abductor/adductors (inner and outer thighs); as well as the side walk for cardio (jumping jacks, high knees, side-to-sides and walking lunges). The Universe and ALL of us in it, really do want you to succeed. More importantly, you have to want you to Succeed.

Your Health and Fitness Go-to-girl
Fee King

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