Thursday, December 29, 2011

Discover YOU in 2012

When was the last time that you taken time out for you? Do you give yourself 15 minutes a day, just for you? In the course of the year 2011, I found myself NOT doing that as much as I would like. Yes, I go places and have fun with my husband, family and friends, but for the most part, it's all work related. I promised myself, that I will do things differently and go to places that I've never been before in 2012. The picture above is a spot in Rancho Palos Verdes. It's absolutely beautiful there. One day, I was driving back from an event and decided to pull over on the side and close my eyes and inhale and exhale for a moment while there. I wanted to take in everything that was there in my possession and acknowledge it. I also began to think about things that I wanted and things that I needed to rid myself of. It was a peaceful moment. It's these moments that you will learn more about yourself while releasing stress from the body. With all the hustle and bustle with life, it's important to take time out for YOU. Run along the beaches in the sand, take your shoes off and let your toes feel the grass, listen to the birds chirp, take long baths while using Scentsational Soaps Products. It will do the body good! Start making the changes today & share some things that you do to take out time for YOU.


Mishé said...

Thanks for the reminder! I know that I myself must concentrate on me a little bit more in the upcoming year.

Toushonta said...

Let's strive to take better care of ourselves. Thanks for commenting.