Saturday, December 25, 2010

12 Day Giveaway: Day 9,10,11,12

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful day! Our Day 8 Giveaway already knows who she is; "Moneca" Congratulations"! We are keeping this last day very simple and we're looking for the first 4 people to answer the following question:

What does Christmas mean to you?

Each person will receive a FREE bottle of our "scented" massage oil to be used to moisturize your skin. If you are on of the four to leave a comment, please don't forget to send your mailing address to GOOD LUCK!!!


Star said...

Christmas is about giving to me. Giving what you can to people who may be less fortunate than you and to people I love. It may be gifts, it may be time, it may be the thought that counts.

Tracey Ambrose W.R.A.P. said...

Christmas (to me) is about agape love... loving others like God loves YOU! Who are we to not love someone simply because we don't get along or don't see eye to eye? Hmmmmmm? Yeah, Christmas (and meaning of it)means to me the rememberance of HIS love - unconditional and pure (regardless). Showing agape love towards all (a work in progress)... "ting" - me smilin'.

shawnte said...

Christmas means seeing the glow in others as we give to others. I never grow up believing Christmas was about me getting what i wanted but giving smiling and joy to others around me, sharing moments with the people you might not be able to see during the year and recording the embarrassing parts to show the next year.

sumom29 said...

To me, Christmas is all about family,friends getting together and celebrating the gift of love and life. Jesus was born on this day and we should be rejoicing!embracing his love and living it 365 days not just on his birthday afterall,he is the reason for this season! Merry Christmas!

Toushonta said...

To the first four comments: If you haven't already done so, please send your mailing address to Subject Line: Christmas Giveaway