Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Are You Living or Existing?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, am I living or am I existing? This question came about during a leadership workshop that I attended just last weekend....and it made me think. Am I living or am I existing?

Each day that we wake up, we are programmed to do the same routine without even thinking. Wake up, go to the restroom, brush our teeth, take a shower and head off to work. Some things at work maybe a little different, but for the most part its usually the same. If nothing never changes in your day, week, month or years, then you're living the life of existence and not living a life of fullfillment!

Have you ever taken the time to watch kids as they play? If you notice, children live life to the fullest without a care in the world. They are full of energy, laughs, fun and play. They are motivated by being able to do new things each day as they grow and inquisitive as to how things operate. Living to them is beautiful, rich, rewarding, everlasting, motivating, and FREE! Living is not something that stops as we get older but rather begins as we become more wiser.

Existing, on the other hand is the complete opposite of living and is just as DEAD as it sounds. We were NOT put on this earth to exist! We were put here because we have a purpose that we must fullfill. Do more, give more, help more, save more, love more....whatever your purpose is DO IT TODAY!!! and then afterwards ask yourself am I Living or Existing!

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